Saturday, February 29, 2020
Let’s shake off the winter blues with some bowling fun! All teams are FULL but everyone is welcome to come watch!
Sponsored by Plyler Entry Systems, Specialty Products, Hammett Motors, Murphy’s Logging, Bonnell’s Collsion, Zimmer’s Service Center ULMS Series & Phantom Signs & Shirts
Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020
Place: Eastway Lanes, 4110 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510
Time: Arrival – 12:30-1pm. Warmups at 1:20pm. Bowling starts at 1:30pm
Cost: $30 per Bowler / $150 Per Team (5 Bowlers to a team)
Bowling is limited to the 1st PAID IN FULL 24 Teams of 5. Team Captains, please collect all the funds from your team members & submit one payment in the amount of $150.00 at time of registration.
T-Shirts – Please provide your size, each bowler gets a shirt included. We will have those available at the event.
Bowling is limited to Adults only. You can bring your kids to watch, but kids can not bowl.
PIE Contest – We are having a battle leading up to bowling with the loser getting pie thrown in his face by the winner!!! Yes, that is right! Dave Hess vs. Max Blair! 2 local superstars on the dirt track, whom battle each other all race season on the track have agreed to this little off season battle! How can you play? The team that raises the most donations wins! Do you want pie thrown in Hess’ face? If yes, you donate to Team Blair. Do you want pie thrown in Blair’s face? If yes, you donate to Team Hess!
How do you donate? Donate electronically – Venmo @NikkiLayton – specify Team Hess (pie) or Team Blair (pie) or via Paypal to or – specify Team Hess (pie) or Team Blair (pie). We ask you put pie in so we know its not any team registration fees!
Prizes will be awarded to the Winning Team (Best overall), Losing Team (Worst Overall) and a few by random draw!
Gift Auction, Strike Fund, 50\50 and more fun to be had!!
No outside food or beverage permitted by the alley. Bar & Food available for purchase.
SPECTATORS -Please come prepared with dry shoes or slippers! No wet shoes permitted past the entry way!
Please bring your own bowling balls & shoes if you have them. The alley has rentals for those who have no bowling gear
Registration Information: